A powerful tool to convert your pdf into a stunning digital publication

Ideal for businesses, marketers, students, creatives and educators


Enhanc Digital Publishing Platform

Loaded with some advanced features which make it a cut above its competitors

Audio-Visual appeal

Enhanc your Audio-Visual appeal

Add videos to multiple locations in your publication to auto-play when the page is turned.

navigation through auto- linking

Enhanc navigation through auto- linking

Our system creates links automatically from your pdf, so you can link external and internal resources without any extra effort.


Enhanc your Reach

Once your Digital Publication is ready, distribute it freely and let your audience experience the full impact of your enhanced Digital Publication.


Enhanc Your Responsiveness – View on All Devices

With our unique reader interface, create a digital publication suited best for your readers’ device, browser, and operating system.


Enhanc your security

You can control who views your publication by making it password protected or by redirecting it to a pre-defined URL for authentication before it loads.


Enhanc your earnings

Monetize your publications by selling issues to subscribers, and/or by adding advertisers to your digital publication.

Lead gen capabilities

Enhanc your lead generation capabilities

Integrate lead gen forms and collect users’ information to grow your business and laugh all the way to the bank.

Reporting & Analytics

Enhanc Your Reporting & Analytics

Get real time insights around reader engagement such as Pageviews, Clicks, Browser, Devices, Operating Systems, and more. Our SEO feature enables search engines like Google to easily find your publications online. This in turn increases your online traffic. Further, you can integrate your own Google Analytics ID, HubSpot ID, and Act-On tracking scripts etc. Powerful stuff.

Visual Appeal

Enhanc your Branding and Visual Appeal

Our extensive customization tools allow you to control visual appearance of your publication. Customize colors, add your logo to match your brand’s identity. Build your unique and influential identity on the internet.


Ideal for all businesses, all sectors, all functional areas

  • If you are a business which uses pdf’s (which business doesn’t?) then Enhanc digital publishing software is for you.
  • If you are a marketer and deal with lead gen forms, reports, newsletters, magazines, marketing presentations, with rich media (video and images), animation and interactivity, then Enhanc is for you.
  • If you are a finance company/executive and need to securely manage and distribute financial data, reports, analysis etc. then Enhanc is for you.
  • If you are an educator and have assignments, and other educational material to distribute, Enhanc is for you.
  • If you are a student and have need to enhance, manage and distribute your reports, dissertations etc., Enhanc is for you.
  • If you are in the Manufacturing Sector and have product specs, product literature etc. to manage, Enhanc is for you.
  • If you are in publishing and need to create high quality publications, and distribute issues to your readers, Enhanc is for you.

Users across many industries love Enhanc for its simplicity of use and positive impact on their business and lives

  • "Enhanc has greatly helped us to grow our audience. It has an easy to use interface and offers an amazing way to engage our users."
    –Smith Martin, Marketer

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